This is a place that I have heard lots about. It's still under construction but already it's a wildly moody and atmospheric build. Upon arrival, a series of text quotes quietly appear at the bottom of your screen; thought-provoking and mysterious they set the scene for your journey. There are bare trees with the wind rattling through them. It's always dark and an ominous mist swirls around the bare ground.
A sign directs me to my 'Next Incarnation' and I follow its direction. Mysterious sounds and music emerge from the bare forest, giving me the uncanny impression that I'm being watched. I find myself in a dead end with my only option to press a sign to be transported to purgatory.
This environment is as disturbing as the last. The area is bounded on one side by a metal fence, with ravens flying lazily by. A red moon sits on the horizon. Just to be contrary I try and fly over the fence - no go. I turn the other way and there is a dark old building that looks like a church. I enter in.
This is an experience to be taken slowly. The mist urges you on and a beam from a skylight falls on the dark ground. On the wall is the inscription 'Karma is certain. Whatever you do will come back to you.' And you can't help but think back hurriedly to what you might have done that would compromise your next incarnation which is immanent. In the meantime the Purgatory Threshhold is whispering to you: 'Why are you so apprehensive?' and you know, I can't help but be apprehensive!
Once through the threshold I have three options and I resolve to try and come back to explore each of them. I start with the one on the left: The Path of the Mind. And my progress triggers a written commentary. On my right I pass a book shelf labeled, Books of Truth.
I pass through into a large hall, dark and mysterious. Mist still swirling around my feet. This is going to take some exploration. There are a series of alcoves each with a theme: the Alcove of the Search for God, the Alcove of Meditation, the Alcove of the Search for Love, and the Alcove of Change. You can go into each of these. Again, the text encourages you to contemplate and reflect.
On the other side of the hall there are a series of gates. One is labelled 'Now' and the rest correspond to days of the week, but all but 'Friday' are under construction. So this is the way I head. There is a train track with a drop on either side. I fall off the track and fall into complete darkness. I turn and see a door and enter into a room full of wheels and cogs like some cosmic machinery. One wall is taken up by a mirror and I get the feeling I should enter into the mirror.
I finally get through the mirror with some camera fancy work but it's just the same as the other side. On the back wall is a lift to the second floor. Aaagh! I touch the lift but I don't have time to get in and it goes without me! I eventually get it right but there is a trick!
I'm up on the second floor and it is a warm, friendly but deserted room. Again, there's a mirror and I try and get through it. It's not so hard now I know what to do. A board tells me to find Thursday's trunk and click on it. There are stairs in the corner and it seems logical to try up there.
The stairs lead to an attic full of old cartons and wardrobes, even a gallows! I find Thursday's trunk and a tunnel opens. I walk along the tunnel that is glary but beautiful. I walk out of the end of the tunnel and it's black. There's a doorway and I walk through it. I find myself back in the hall where I originally had to make a choice from three. I don't seem to be able to move from here.
The whole thing is very thought-provoking. You are urged to move on with subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) signs and markers. There's lots of subtle movement, sounds, and text which gives you the feeling of being watched.