Monday, December 31, 2007

Dharma Gate Monastery

I found myself at the Dharma Gate Monastery after crossing the bridge from the Little Yoshiwara Susano-o Shinto Shrine. Again, this is a very peaceful place with a lake with a fountain (and fish) leading into a small stream.


There is a large statue of the Buddha and some large prayer wheels constantly spinning. I see a large building and head towards it. When I get closer I can see that there are a number of red witches hats and a sign that alerts me: 'The Mieum Museum of Buddhism is under construction'. Apparently, it will be open in 2008. My curiosity gets the better of me and I wander into the building anyway. There is nothing more than the building at this stage but it looks as if it will be interesting.


I retrace my steps and go back towards the lake. There's a bridge that leads to building across the stream so I cross. The Japanese-style building is quite beautiful. Once inside I can see it's a shrine with several statues, incense and candles. There is nothing by way of explanation.


I leave to continue my exploration. I move to the back of the building only to find myself in the Zen Retreat Tea House! (Before I forget, you can find the Dharma Gate Monastery at Overall, the Monastery is a nice build though still under development (I think). It's a peaceful place to go and spend some time but not a lot of information to be had.

1 comment:

Storm said...

Nearby the monastery you'll now find a telehub pagoda from which you can get to all the interesting local religious sites. It's right in the centre of the Mieum region and worth a look.

The Museum is undergoing a change. The building you saw has gone. I'll be developing a "shedra" instead. A shedra is a Tibetan Buddhist college. Education will still be the purpose.